AI and Hiring – will it replace you?

Well, if you read the hyped up press you might think that it is the next best tech thing and could put your job in jeopardy. Well, frankly, it is, if used wisely. But it isn’t a panacea, and it isn’t a threat. Here’s why.
AI can save time, save effort and save a few hours at the end of your workday. It can provide just about anything you need from agreements. policies, conflict solutions, web resources and more. Many of us are already partially reliant on ChatGPT to cut corners and save time. But the results are sometimes bogus (aptly called hallucinations in AI parlance), often not exactly what you want or accurate and not strictly about your company and your situation.
For the hiring process, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a game-changer, influencing everything from candidate sourcing to post-hire evaluations. AI promises efficiency and data-driven insights, but it brings with it significant challenges. So, now let’s delve into the multifaceted impact of AI on the hiring process, examining its role in interview planning and preparation, interviewing for decision making, fit analysis, offer creation, post-interview evaluations, and long-term employee performance assessments. Additionally, we’ll explore how AI’s influence can be measured and optimized for the overall performance of the hiring team.
A 2023 LinkedIn report revealed that 67% of hiring managers and recruiters surveyed said AI was saving them time.
More than 55% of HR managers in a Deloitte survey believed that AI would become a regular part of HR within five years. This included the use of AI in candidate assessments, where AI algorithms were increasingly being used to evaluate video interviews and other assessment tasks.
What AI can do well.
ChatGTP can do a lot. On its lowest level, think about it as a search engine on steroids. Move up a level and it can combine and construct summaries and even opinions. Move up one more level and it can create versions that fit your specific needs, and one more level, it can plug-in specific information you provide it in your prompt. Add graphics and videos, and it can be you…well, not quite, but a believable facsimile.
However, if I were to input the same prompts as you, I’d get an almost identical result.
Well, in most basic situations, that’s enough. Want a policy on a new regulation, it’s a wonderful tool to get a draft. Want to know what to do in a specific difficult situation, it will probably provide you with some basic guidance and some links for more information. In short, it’s like a junior assistant that is eager but not experienced. It requires supervision.
A 2023 study by Korn Ferry indicated that 63% of HR professionals believed AI had changed the way recruiting is done in their organization.
What AI can’t do (yet).
It can’t make decisions. Right now, and for the foreseeable future It can’t give you everything you want to know because it is bound by its access to data, and by what it has been taught. It can’t formulate a response regarding your finite specific situation…at least, not quite yet.
What you need is an AI tool that knows your company and issues as well as you do. Is that a reach? Well, not if you are able to have your own AI, which ChatGPT5 promises to be, or if you can train a corporate AI so it has all your background information, or if you use a platform that has the tools and provides a high level of security.
Where AI is heading
Think “personal”. Yes, you’ll have your own AI assistant (the versions available right now are often less than effective) and if you’re a pioneer you have one already. And if that’s an interesting thought, consider that’s true for candidates, hiring managers, and your hiring teams. All these will eventually chat between themselves.
You’ll probably agree that that’s an interesting concept, but for HR it could offer an alarming concern. If hiring team members are chatting with each other and you can monitor it, that’s ok (not great, but ok). But the idea of their own AI assistants discussing employment topics between themselves, asking and answering questions, and even talking off-topic can be disquieting.
How AI-involved should you be?
It’s one of the best traits of HR professionals that they are risk averse. After all, HR is all about people, and people are not predictable. Adding AI is always going to be a risky issue…you’re handing off control to some faceless computer; nobody in their right mind could feel sanguine. So the solution is to pick your implementations carefully. And that’s best achieved by picking vendors and platforms that have implemented AI carefully and selectively. A totally AI platform could become “Terminator”and take control. A platform that leverages AI to help, save time,"
Qorums simplifies hiring with streamlined setup, AI-driven analysis, scheduling integration, and more.